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Hooked & Flat-Weave Area Rugs & Doormats for Every Room

Shop Garnet Hill area rugs and doormats to enhance your home's décor; our hooked wool and flat-weave designs impart warmth and dimension to any space. Woven wool, cotton, and natural jute rugs add elemental appeal throughout your home. Rectangular rug runners dampen noise and quiet footsteps in hallways; a round rug naturally softens and warms a bedroom or living room design. Choose a style with the thickness you prefer: Hooked rugs have a higher pile for a cozy look and satisfying cushion, while lower-profile flat-weave rugs add a decorative layer over your floors and can be arranged under heavy furniture without worry. Not just for an entryway, a decorative doormat placed in front of your kitchen sink adds a touch of style and comfort underfoot. Outfit the mudroom with a durable indoor-outdoor rug to protect your floors from dirt and moisture while giving guests a sturdy, welcoming step inside. Select a monogrammed doormat and let us imprint an initial on it for a personal touch or to create a thoughtful gift for new homeowners, newlyweds, or anyone. Browse Garnet Hill area rugs and doormats for mix-and-match floor coverings featuring natural motifs, playful stripes, imaginative designs, and neutral colors to carry your home’s aesthetic from room to room.
